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Class ReadonlyTransform

Defines the position, scale and rotation of an item.

Every Transform can be assigned to a BaseItem.parent which allows hierarchical editing of their position, scale and rotation. Created hierarchies are displayed in the Item Hierarchy tab.





axisX: Vector3

Red axis of this Transform.

axisY: Vector3

Green axis of this Transform.

axisZ: Vector3

Blue axis of this Transform.

forward: Vector3

Shorthand for Y - axis.

Note: By default, DX Engine uses the green Y axis as forward vector.

position: Vector3

Position of this Transform using X, Y, and Z coordinates.

Note: By default, DX engine uses Z for "up".

right: Vector3

Shorthand for X - axis.

Note: By default, DX Engine uses the red X axis as right vector.

rotation: Quat

Rotation of this Transform stored as Quat.

scale: number

Scale of this Transform.

Default value is 1.

Shorthand for Z - axis.

Note: By default, DX Engine uses the Z axis as up vector.


  • Returns a copy of this Transform.

    Returns Transform

    copy of this Transform.

  • Converts local position to world position of this Transform.


    • position: Vector3

      local space point.`

    Returns Vector3

    world space point.

  • Converts local direction to world direction of this Transform.


    • direction: Vector3

      local space direction.

    Returns Vector3

    world space direction.

  • Converts world position to local position of this Transform.


    • position: Vector3

      world space point.

    Returns Vector3

    local space point.

  • Converts world direction to local direction of this Transform.


    • direction: Vector3

      world space direction.

    Returns Vector3

    local space direction.