  • Public
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Class Vector3

Represents 3D points and vectors.

Use this class to pass positions and directions to item transforms and perform vector operations.

Note: By default, DX engine uses Z as "up".


  • Vector3



  • new Vector3(x: number, y: number, z: number): Vector3
  • Parameters

    • x: number
    • y: number
    • z: number

    Returns Vector3


length: number

Returns the length of this vector.

The length is calculated by the square root of (x * x + y * y + z * z).


length of this vector.

normalized: Vector3

Returns a copy of this vector with length 1.

sqrLength: number

Returns the squared length of this vector.

If you use vector lengths to compare distances, squared lengths are more performant and preferred to use.


squared length of this vector

x: number

X component of this vector.

y: number

Y component of this vector.

z: number

Z component of this vector.

one: Vector3

Shorthand for writing new Vector3(1,1,1).

zero: Vector3

Shorthand for writing new Vector3(0,0,0).


  • Adds this vector and other by their corresponding components.


    Returns Vector3

    new vector of the combined result.

  • Returns the angle in radians from this vector to other.


    Returns number

    angle in radians.

  • Calculates the cross product of this vector and other

    The cross product of two vectors results in a third vector which is perpendicular to the two input vectors. The result's magnitude is equal to the magnitudes of the two inputs multiplied together and then multiplied by the sine of the angle between the inputs. You can determine the direction of the result vector using the "left hand rule".


    Returns Vector3

    cross product.

  • Returns the distance between this vector and other.

    Note: a.dist(other) is the same as a.sub(b).length.


    Returns number

    distance between vectors.

  • Divides all components of this vector by divisor d.


    • d: number

    Returns Vector3

    new vector of the divided result.

  • Calculates the dot product of this vector and other.

    The dot product is a number equal to the lengths of two vectors multiplied together and then multiplied by the cosine of the angle between them.


    Returns number

    dot product.

  • Returns true if this vector equals v.


    • v: Vector3

      vector to compare this vector against.

    Returns boolean

  • Returns a copy of this vector with limited length l.


    • l: number

    Returns Vector3

    limited length vector.

  • Returns a new vector made from the largest components of this vector and other


    Returns Vector3

  • Returns a new vector made from the smallest components of this vector and other


    Returns Vector3

  • Multiplies each component of this by a number m.


    • m: number


    Returns Vector3

    new vector of the multiplied result.

  • Projects this vector onto other.


    Returns Vector3

    vector projection.

  • Projects this vector onto a plane defined by a normal that is orthogonal to it.


    • normal: Vector3

      direction from the vector towards the plane.

    Returns Vector3

    location of vector on the plane

  • Subtracts each component of other from this vector.


    Returns Vector3

    new vector of the subtracted result

  • toArray(): number[]
  • Returns number[]

    array representation of this vector.

  • Adds vector a and vector b by their corresponding components.


    Returns Vector3

    new vector of combined result

  • Returns the angle in radians from this vector a to vector b.


    Returns number

    angle in radians.

  • Calculates the cross product of vector a and vector b.

    The cross product of two vectors results in a third vector which is perpendicular to the two input vectors. The result's length is equal to the lengths of the two inputs multiplied together and then multiplied by the sine of the angle between the inputs. You can determine the direction of the result vector using the "left hand rule".


    Returns Vector3

    cross product.

  • Returns the distance between vector a and vector b.

    Note: a.dist(b) is the same as a.sub(b).length.


    Returns number

    distance between vectors.

  • Returns the squared distance between vector a and vector b


    Returns number

    squared distance between vectors.

  • Divides all components of vector v by divisor d.


    Returns Vector3

    new vector of the divided result.

  • Calculates the dot product of vector a and vector b.

    The dot product is a number equal to the lengths of two vectors multiplied together and then multiplied by the cosine of the angle between them.


    Returns number

    dot product.

  • Returns true if vector a equals vector b.


    Returns boolean

  • Returns a vector made from the largest components of vector a and vector b.


    Returns Vector3

  • Returns a vector made from the smallest components of vector a and vector b.


    Returns Vector3

  • Multiplies each component of vector v by m.


    • v: Vector3

      vector components to multiply.

    • m: number

    Returns Vector3

    new vector of the multiplied result.

  • Returns the length of vector v.

    The length is made up from the square root of (x * x + y * y + z * z).


    Returns number

    length of v

  • Projects vector a onto vector b.


    Returns Vector3

    vector projection

  • Projects vector v onto a plane defined by a normal that is orthogonal to it.


    • v: Vector3

      position of the vector above the plane.

    • normal: Vector3

      direction from the vector towards the plane.

    Returns Vector3

    location of vector on the plane.

  • Subtracts each component of vector b from a.


    Returns Vector3

    new vector of the subtraction result.